Our team is returning for the 2024 season, so we do not have any available positions to fill for the year.

If you’re interested in future employment, reach out.

Our mission as employers is to provide a safe, kind, challenging and rewarding workplace where mutual respect is Queen and gorgeous flowers are also Queen. We are two imperfect humans who are still working out the kinks of this beautiful farm creature, and we are deeply committed to our growth as leaders as well as the high quality of the flowers that pass through our doors.

Part time farming position (none available for 2024)

Mid March through October/November - Preference given to applicants that can commit to the whole season, and a plus if you could imagine coming back for additional years.

Pay range $15-$20/hour, depending on experience, hustle, overall knowledge and efficiency. Farming experience is not necessary, though strong preference will be given to applicants that have previous experience doing outdoor manual labor or other highly challenging outdoor work.

Looking for one farmer to work Wednesdays + Thursdays, and another to work Thursdays + Fridays. Work hours vary by season and can be weather dependent, though you can count on 8 work hours per shift. We take a 1 hour unpaid lunch break, making the total work day 9 hours. In the Spring, hours are typically 8am-5pm, and will shift to an earlier start when the weather heats up. You can expect 6am - 3pm in the heat of summer, and back to an 8am start when the days shorten in the fall.

Job description. As a part time farmer here, you can expect to be involved in the most vital aspects of the farming portion of our operation. From starting seeds > prepping beds > planting plants > weeding plants > learning to harvest a few key crops > cleaning buckets > getting the blooms into fresh water > the cooler. As the seasons shift the work shifts also, though there are big pushes of specific jobs. Like, in Spring we start seeds, tend to them, prep beds and PLANT. In summer we still start seeds and plant, but the bulk of work shifts to weeding, staking plants for straight stems, and of course harvesting flowers. In the fall we keep harvesting harvesting harvesting while also planting for overwintering and preparing for the farm to hibernate. All season long you can expect to do a lot of weeding, bed prep (pulling old plants out, amending + raking, laying landscape fabric, replanting,) stamping flower sleeves, cleaning buckets, mowing/weedwacking, and assisting with harvest efficiency in various ways. We work day in and day out regardless of the heat, rain, mud or with unrelenting mosquitoes buzzing in our ears. Tasks are repetitive and weather/bugs/sunburns can be unkind to us, but through all we tend to the land and our beloved crops. Please note that this is a farming position and does not guarantee any floral design work.

Qualities we are looking for. In order to succeed here and be happy, you must have grit and be a big time self starter. To us, grit means you are resilient, highly motivated, willing + open, and overall foster a positive mindset. And you’re kinda a badass. Whatever that means to you. Maybe your body doesn’t lift 60 pounds, but we’re looking for someone scrappy enough to come up with a solution to move those 30 bags of potting mix anyway, and is heart centered enough to ask for help and not let their ego get in the way. Openness and kind, upfront communication are all non negotiable. Zero tolerance policy for attitude without apology, using unkind words, racism, sexism, or any of that bull shoot. Must be comfortable having a 30ish year old woman telling you what to do. Being a self starter is absolutely key here, as you will spend a lot of time working alone - so that must be something you enjoy and an environment you shine in. A grounded, logical person will be necessary to mesh well with Chris + my work styles.

The work can be tiring, monotonous and relentless, but also stunningly beautiful and very rewarding. We work really, really hard here, and get tremendous satisfaction from a job well done. Farming can be portrayed as very romantic work, and it is (!) but only to the right folks. If this sounds like it could be you, please reach out!

If you’re interested in applying for one of our part time positions, please send a resume, cover letter and two references to Chris + Tracey at swellfarmmaine@gmail.com.